Pardon my not remembering who suggested the black
paper, but -- if you only have a scanner to use --
they are closest to the answer.

Use the paper, or a piece cloth, to cover the shell
and then hold it in position with your hand. It will
only take a few seconds for the light/sensor head to
pass over the shell -- if it is a Cyphoma. This might
not be so simple for a Triton Trumpet!

While not everyone has the hardware, digitized images
from digital cameras or live video signals are more
effective. If you plan on doing lots of these, consider
one of these as an alternative.

A trick of the photographers is to shoot close-ups with
a telephoto lens on extention tubes (or use close-up
lenses). This allows the camera to stay back far enough
to reduce the geometry/perspective problems caused by
getting very close to the subject.


makuabob (a.k.a. Bob Dayle)

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