GLYCAM-L Archives

Users of GLYCAM & GLYCAM-Web


Created 05/01/2015 List_Affiliation UGA Complex Carbohydrate Research Center (CCRC)
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T C de Leeuw
Mon, 10 Jun 2024 21:58:12 +0200
No abstract is available available for this message. [Read Message ...]
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Oliver Grant
Fri, 5 Jan 2024 14:21:54 +0100
Hi all,

When you add derivatives like sulfates you need to adjust the charge on the
connecting oxygen. See here:

This is already done for you by the website, however the charge information
gets lost when you take just the pdb file and load it into tleap. Instead
you could build your 3D structure on the website and click "Download All".
Then look for either (if you want the unminimized version)
and do this in tleap:
## The term CONDENSEDSEQUENCE is defined in the file
saveamberparm CONDENSEDSEQUENCE unminimized-gas.parm7 unminimized-gas.rst7

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Oliver Grant
Tue, 2 Jan 2024 09:00:00 +0100
Hi all,

*Repeating units*
We have an upcoming polybuilder in testing that will allow you to build
repeating units on Glycam-Web. For now you can create your own in the
build-via-text tool ( It's often much faster to use this if
you have multiple large sequences with small edits.

Some examples are:
With a "head" and "tail":
Branches in repeating unit:
Nested repeats:

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Natesan Mani
Fri, 27 Oct 2023 15:32:02 +0000
Hello everyone,
I was trying to build a glycoprotein on GLYCAMM. I was able to construct all the necessary glcyans and also found the glycosylation sites to be active. However, when I download the file, there are no glycans on it and I only get the pdf files, I also need the prmtop and inpcrd files. I saw that another user had the same issue. Could you please help me in solving this!

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Nagar, Hemant
Sat, 22 Apr 2023 01:29:08 +0000
Hello Glycam users,
I am planning to do MD simulation of heparin sulfate. I build the structure(LIdopA[2S]a1-4DGlcpNS[6S]a1-4LIdopA[2S]a1-4DGlcpNS[6S]a1-OH) using GAG builder. I used GLYCAM_06j-1.prep and GlcNs_preliminary.prep files in tleap to generate topology and coordinate files, but when loading the pdb file obtained from GAG builder in tleap, I am getting the following error.
Error: Comparing atoms
.R<SO3 3>.A<O1 2>,
.R<UYS 2>.A<O4 24>,
.R<SO3 3>.A<O2 3>, and
.R<SO3 3>.A<O3 4>
to atoms
.R<SO3 3>.A<O1 2>,
.R<YuA 1>.A<C1 1>,
.R<SO3 3>.A<O2 3>, and
.R<UYS 2>.A<O4 24>
This error may be due to faulty Connection atoms.
!FATAL ERROR----------------------------------------
!FATAL: In file [chirality.c], line 142

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Robin Singh
Wed, 19 Apr 2023 05:19:25 -0400
Hello everyone,

I am working on a pdb file called 1gmo in tleap, it contains proteins and glycans and I am facing some issues while working with the glycan part. I loaded GLYCAM_06j-1 force field but the glycans (IDS and SGN) are not getting recognized. I am getting errors saying Unknown residue and the glycans does not have a type.

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Trevor Matthew Adams
Thu, 10 Nov 2022 21:27:37 +0000

I am trying to solvate a glycoprotein-protein complex with tleap, and upon attempting I get this error below. I’ve checked the connections between the atoms in the glycan and can’t find any obvious problems. Maybe it’s due to VMA being assigned as residue 1 for some reason, as it should be residue 502 (relevant section of pdf file also included below)? Any help would be appreciated.

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Samuel Holmes
Mon, 24 Oct 2022 10:32:09 -0400
Hey Oliver,

I'm trying to build a simple heparin disaccharide using the GAG-builder on
GLYCAM (not legacy) for MD simulations - UA2S-4,5 -->GlcNS6S-OH - but it
throws an error:

*There was a problem making the default sequence request: The deduced
linkageLabel is too small: A-4. We require anomer, start atom number, a
dash, and connecting atom number. Example: a1-4*

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Samuel Holmes
Thu, 21 Jul 2022 11:35:56 -0400
Hey there Oliver/Lachele,

Could you possibly send me the prep files for the 4 letter code residues representing the different puckers of IdoA (4C1, 1C4, 2SO)?

I'm trying to get some practice with building HS oligosaccharides in tleap.


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Neha S. Gandhi
Mon, 18 Jul 2022 00:00:50 +0000
Hi there,

I have been using GAG builder. Is there a way to directly read pdb file (GAGs), assign the Glycam force field and convert it to AMBER?

Thank you for kind attention.


Dr. Neha S. Gandhi | Advance Queensland Senior Research Fellow
School of Chemistry and Physics| Personalised Therapies (Program leader),
Science and Engineering Faculty | Queensland University of Technology
M-O-Block, Gardens Point Campus
ph 3138 7394| email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
CRICOS No 00213J

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Wei Lan
Mon, 4 Jul 2022 22:57:28 -0400

I built a glycoprotein in, the following is the sequence of glycan, this glycan will be loaded on an N-link site.


I'm having two problems right now:

1. After I built the glycoprotein, I read it using amber-tleap, and its charge was not an integer after loading the force field, which made the tleap report a warning. Here's the force field I use:
source leaprc.GLYCAM_06j-1
source leaprc.protein.ff19SB
source leaprc.water.tip3p
loadamberparams frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p

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Samuel Holmes
Wed, 1 Jun 2022 11:38:38 -0400
Hey There GLYCAM,

I'm trying to solvate and add counterions to a HS hexasaccharide in tLEAP. I have built the hexasaccharide using the GLYCAM web server, but once I load the PDB into LEAP, it does not recognize the UYS (GlcNS residue). I know that you released a prep file for GlcNS residues, and I downloaded that and tried loading that in as well, and got the same issue. Did I not format the prep file correctly or am I missing something more?

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Neha S. Gandhi
Wed, 9 Mar 2022 09:18:10 +0000
Hi Rob,

I built a sulphated cellobiose using the new version of glycam tools. The linkage is beta 1-4 and the terminal is OMe.

When using the mol2 file or .off file, I have no issues building amber files from them. However, when I try using structure.pdb or min-gas.pdb file in tleap, I get following error
Loading PDB file: ./min-gas.pdb

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Pavlína Slavníková
Tue, 22 Feb 2022 12:54:38 -0500
Welcome to LEaP!
(no leaprc in search path)
> source leaprc.GLYCAM_06j-1
----- Source: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.GLYCAM_06j-1
----- Source of /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/cmd/leaprc.GLYCAM_06j-1 done
Loading parameters: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/parm/GLYCAM_06j.dat
Reading title:
Loading Prep file: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/prep/GLYCAM_06j-1.prep
Loading library: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/lib/GLYCAM_amino_06j_12SB.lib
Loading library: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/lib/GLYCAM_aminoct_06j_12SB.lib
Loading library: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/lib/GLYCAM_aminont_06j_12SB.lib
Loading library: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/lib/solvents.lib
Loading library: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/lib/atomic_ions.lib
Loading parameters: /software/amber-16/intel/dat/leap/parm/frcmod.ionsjc_tip3p
Reading force field modification type file (frcmod)
Reading title:
Monovalent ion parameters for Ewald and TIP3P water from Joung & Cheatham JPCB (2008)
> loadamberparams frcmod.A-NAc
Loading parameters: ./frcmod.A-NAc
Reading force field modification type file (frcmod)
Reading title:
Protonated Beta-D-Glucuronic acid
> loadamberprep

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zeinab masoomi
Sun, 21 Nov 2021 17:32:18 +0330
we glycosylated the RBD in native sites but there is a problem with finding
a bond OH-Cg.
may you please help us?
the commands and the structure are attached below
thank you very much
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Laura Morris
Fri, 17 Sep 2021 16:29:19 +0000
I would like to run a simulation of a glycoprotein using TIP5P water. In the AMBER 18 manual (the version I'm using) it states on page 44 that an additional set of parameters has been created to use with TIP5P (GLYCAM-06EP). Looking in the amber directory, GLYCAM-06EP appears to have been replaced by GLYCAM-06EPb. This is also the version from the parameter download page on Unfortunately, my system contains six 4YB residues (3 Man5 glycans) which are not in GLYCAM-06EPb. 

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Gustaf Olsson
Mon, 24 May 2021 08:25:57 +0000
Hello GLYCAM mailing list

I have been tasked with running MD simulations of a oligosaccharide consisting of a modified D-Rha4Ac 1-2 repeats. The problem is that modifications are needed to the 4Ac group generating a “non-standard” derivative which does not have parameters in the forcefield (glycam), on every repeat.

I thought that it should probably be possible to combining GAFF or AMBER (ff14SB) with GLYCAM as seems to be basically what is happening when generating a glycoprotein. Especially as all atoms in the modified substituent are standard atoms and bonds (N,C,O,H).

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Lachele Foley
Tue, 9 Mar 2021 11:25:48 -0500
We have reports of persons submitting questions to this list, but that
their questions are not being distributed and they do not show up in
the archive.

We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your use of this
list. We are working to resolve this issue, but it might take some

In the meantime, feel free to email [log in to unmask] if your request is urgent.
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Matthew Guberman-Pfeffer
Wed, 17 Feb 2021 16:25:03 -0500
Dear GLYCAM community,

I have been trying with much difficulty to set up an MD simulation for a glycolipid non-covalently bound to a protein using the Amber/GLYCAM force fields.
The glycolipid is digalactosyldiacylglycerol, or more specifically (2S)-3-[(6-O-a-D-galactopyranosyl-b-D-Galactopyranosyl)oxy]-2-[(3Z,6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)-octadeca-3,6,9,12,15-pentaenoyloxy]propyl(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z)-icosa-5,8,11,14,17-pentaenoate.

I have the 3D structure of the glycolipid from the crystallographic data for the protein complex. If I load the pdb of the glycolipid into leap, after sourcing the leaprc file for the GLYCAM force field, none of the atoms in the glycolipid are recognized. I am willing to change the atom names by hand if needed, if only I understand how to

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Trevor Matthew Adams
Fri, 8 Jan 2021 23:50:17 +0000

I am attempting to use the Glycam Glycoprotein Builder in order to add N2M5 N-glycans to 5 sites on a specific pdb file (2B5E) for use in Amber. Everything goes well and the builder is able to identify all 5 sites I want to add glycans to. However, when I click "Download current structure" or "Download current structure without minimization", I am returned the error below. Could there be something wrong with the pdb file I am trying to use?

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Ali Khodayari
Mon, 2 Nov 2020 15:47:38 +0100
Dear GLYCAM users,

I am trying to use GLYCAM06_j to build carboxymethyl cellulose. However, I
could not find carboxymethyl groups in GLYCAM residue list. Could anyone
help me with its 3(?)-letter name?

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Show Replies 1 Reply
Neha S. Gandhi
Tue, 20 Oct 2020 23:43:35 +0000
Dear Support,

Can we use Glycam06 with ff14SB protein force field?


Dr. Neha S. Gandhi | Advance Queensland Senior Research Fellow
School of Chemistry and Physics| Personalised Therapies (Program leader),
Science and Engineering Faculty | Queensland University of Technology
M-O-Block, Gardens Point Campus
ph 3138 7394| email: [log in to unmask]
CRICOS No 00213J

I acknowledge the Turrbal and Yugara, as the First Nations owners of the lands where QUT now stands. I pay respect to their Elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. I recognise that these lands have always been places of teaching, research and learning.

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Laura Morris
Mon, 5 Oct 2020 16:59:15 +0000
Glycam Naming | Force Field<>
This page describes the three-letter code used for residue names in files relevant to the GLYCAM force fields. For information on other nomenclatures recognized by GLYCAM-Web, please click here. Current Carbohydrate Naming Convention in GLYCAM_04 and GLYCAM_06

the documentation states that to differentiate the conformations 1C4, 4C1 and 2SO the residue name uses a 4-letter code. You then provide the example 4uA as existing as 4uA1, 4uA2 and 4uA3 in the parameter set. However, I can't find this in the prep files included with AMBER 18 nor on the latest parameter set

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Sandra Moore
Wed, 9 Sep 2020 00:41:41 +0000
Hello Glycam users,

We are looking to find glycam parameters for an individual molecule of scyllo inositol and other stereoisomers. The glycam web interface gives blank structure (.pdb) and topology (.prmtop) files.
We are unfamiliar with amber program and would like help in how to obtain these parameters.

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Lachele Foley
Thu, 16 Jul 2020 19:40:32 -0400
GLYCAM-Web and the Woods Group need a syadmin. This is not a
scientific job, but it is science-adjacent. :-)


Computer Science or a related field is preferred; a relevant
scientific discipline is acceptable if the individual has sufficient
experience and/or training in relevant computing systems management
and design.

The preferred candidate will have experience with as many of the
following general and specific infrastructure components as possible,
and in time will need to have acquired at least general knowledge of
them all.

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No Replies
Ali Khodayari
Fri, 26 Jun 2020 22:15:45 +0200

I am using GLYCAM_06j-1 to build up a hemicellulose model with a backbone of
xylopyranose and glucopyranosyl acid groups substituted on the backbone. The
glucopyranosyl group is also methylated on the O4 atom. Hence, I am using a
sequence of ROH-4XB-YXB-4ZA-MEX (bold characters are the backbone) and then
the backbone ends with 4XB-0XB.

However, when I look at the glucuronic acid group, I see that on the C6
atom, there are only two O6A and O6B. I expected that one of these two
oxygen must be double bonded to C6 and the other one must include a
hydrogen. This

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Lachele Foley
Sat, 23 May 2020 22:21:54 -0400
All of our websites, including GLYCAM-Web, will be intermittently
unavailable between 6 and 10 AM, Eastern Time, on May 28, 2020.
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Lachele Foley
Fri, 15 May 2020 22:30:30 -0400
Hi Everyone!

All Woods-group online resources will be unavailable for a few hours
tomorrow night (Saturday, May 16, 2020, eastern time). We'll be
upgrading some of the networking infrastructure.

This applies to and to

I don't know the exact timing of the outage. All should be complete
by Sunday morning, eastern time.

Sorry for any inconvenience, and ask if you have any questions.
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Lara rajam
Tue, 24 Mar 2020 10:36:28 -0400
Dear Glycam,
I am interested in looking into Glucosamine parameter for NH2 and
protonated residues.
I have downloaded the prep files from GLYCAM. Thanks for the wonderful
When I loaded them in the Xleap I saw that the O4 is with
H(H4O) hydrogen and has a charge 0.4450. I am not aware how to link this to
another acid residue. since the issue of the charge is not making integer

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Andy Franz
Tue, 3 Mar 2020 01:48:05 +0000
Has anyone run into the following problem:
I constructed alpha-methyl-D-mannopyranose with the standard GLYCAM carbohydrate builder (
I hydrated the structure in TIP3P water box (10 Angstroms x,y,z)
I minimized the sugar
I minimized the sugar + water box
I heat the sugar to 300 K
I heat the sugar + water box to 300 K
I use the "...rst" file for the beginning of a 500 ns MD production run in GLYCAM06 force field.

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R A Jeyaram 16PHD0482
Wed, 26 Jun 2019 11:04:45 +0530
Dear Glycam Users,

I am using Amber16 package and glycam force filed for MD
simulation. My ligand file containing sialic acid and I substitute fluorine
atom into O4 position of sialic acid. During the preparation of topology
and parameter files via tleap module of Amber, I have the Fatal error as *"Atom
does not have file type"* for fluorine atom. How can I parameterize
fluorine atom.
Thanks in Advance
with regards
R. A. Jeyaram
Research Scholar
School of Advanced Sciences
Vellore Institute of Technology
Tamil Nadu, India.
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Alejandro Cagnoni
Mon, 13 May 2019 13:20:10 -0300

How are you? I'm following a thread from a couple of years ago. I've been
having problems with branched oligosaccharide structures (generated from
glycam web) and tleap (Amber). There is a problem with the conncetions of
the atoms.

I've seen that Lachele Foley recommended to add "TER" cards on the pdb
file. However, by doing so, even if I've solved the tleap problem, I have
problems when minimizing the structure with sander (Amber). The
monosaccharides don't remain bound to each other. Could you please help me
solve this issue?

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Monia Kam
Fri, 3 May 2019 12:50:17 -0400
Hello Glycam users,

I'm trying to build a model for a Chitosan dimer using all the possibilities ( Deacetylated and acetylated units) as well as protonated NH3+ and deprotonated NH2 units, I've managed to build the ones where the β-D-Glucosamine and the protonated β-D-Glucosamine are terminals, and I have also found in this mailing list a prep file provided by Arunima for the non-terminal protonated version, whereas I also need a non-terminal β-D-Glucosamine connected by means of β 1 -> 4 linkages.

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Monia Kam
Tue, 26 Mar 2019 07:24:30 -0400
Hello Glycam users and developpers,

So i'm building a protonated version of Hyaluronic Acid, i succeeded in building one unit where there is the terminal protonated version of the β-D-glucuronic acid (0ZBP) , now i want to build a dimer of hyaluronic acid so i want the protonated version of a non-terminal β-D-glucuronic acid (4ZBP) connected by means of β 1 -> 4 linkages.
I wanted to know if it's possible to build it by my self using with the files available in the website. Thank you
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monia kam
Wed, 20 Mar 2019 13:32:15 +0100
So i actually have an issue with the protonated version of
Beta-D-Glucuronic acid for the construction of the model hyaluronic acid,
so i included the version 0ZBP in the prep file GLYCAM06.prep, but then i
got these following errors with grompp:
ERROR 1 [file HAP.itp, line 104]:
No default Bond types

ERROR 2 [file HAP.itp, line 325]:
No default Angle types

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Casalini Tommaso
Tue, 12 Mar 2019 11:58:19 +0000
Dear GLYCAM users and developers,
I need to simulate a chitosan chain. I see that you have already developed and validated FF parameters and charges for protonated β-D-Glucosamine (Singh et al. paper), and .prep files are available on GLYCAM website.
Assuming that I made no mistakes, only terminal residues are available, while I need also a non - terminal protonated β-D-Glucosamine connected by means of β 1 -> 4 linkages.
Can I obtain such unit with the available files, or should I recompute the charges by myself?
I thank you for your help and collaboration.
With my best regards,
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senal dinuka
Thu, 27 Dec 2018 11:57:27 +0530
Hello all,
I have proposed a different question earlier relating to the above subject
and managed to model my non-standard sugar and run a simulation
successfully. As per now, I have a doubt as to did I model properly.
Because my structure is a transition state implying the properties of a
non-standard sugar ie. a glucose molecule with anomeric -O connected to a
cyanogenic moiety. Thus I modeled the cyanogenic portion with a separate
parameter file (frcmod) and provided GLYCAM_06j-1 for the sugar portion
(named and numbered correctly). Yet as per my understanding GLYCAM
forcefield describes equilibrium bond and angle

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Tarsis Gesteira
Sat, 15 Dec 2018 01:26:22 -0500

I have just created a DGlcpAb1-4DGlcpNSa1-4DGlcpAb1-4DGlcpNSa1-4LIdopA[2S]a1-4DGlcpNSa1-4DGlcpAb1-OH using GAG builder.

However when I try to run tleap on the generated pdb using:

source leaprc.GLYCAM_06j-1
loadamberprep GLYCAM_06j-1.prep
loadamberprep GlcNS_preliminary.prep
hepc = loadpdb oligo.pdb

I get the following error:

ERROR: Comparing atoms
.R<0ZB 8>.A<C2 17>,
.R<0ZB 8>.A<H1 2>,
.R<0ZB 8>.A<O5 3>, and
.R<4YS 7>.A<O4 25>
to atoms
.R<0ZB 8>.A<C2 17>,
.R<SO3 1>.A<S1 1>,
.R<0ZB 8>.A<O5 3>, and
.R<4YS 7>.A<O4 25>
This error may be due to faulty Connection atoms.
!FATAL ERROR----------------------------------------
!FATAL: In file [chirality.c], line 142
!FATAL: Message: Atom named S1 from SO3 did not match !

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J. Martinez
Thu, 29 Nov 2018 04:55:59 -0500
Hello to everyone,
I would like to ‘properly’ describe a trimannoside which is fluorinated at position 2 (the fluorine substitutes the OH) in each monomer. I know that the ‘easiest’ way of doing so is just by using GAFF… but in that case I would lose all the special sugar-related chemistry that is modeled in GLYCAM.
For that purpose, I thought of adding a .frcmod file to use in combination with GLYCAM force field. In such .frcmod file, I would include the necessary parameters from GAFF (gaff2.dat). I would like to combine both force fields, if possible, in order to

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Kit Sang Chu
Sat, 3 Nov 2018 22:15:47 -0700
Dear users of Glycam,

I am a new user to Glycam and I am trying to build glycoprotein by
submitting a pentamer on Glycam server. However, Glycam only recognizes one
peptide with two terminals. Is there any specification on how Glycam server
recognizes monomer units?

I also need disulfide bonds built. Submitting a pentamer directly
will therefore make things much more convenient.

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Aarya Venkat
Wed, 31 Oct 2018 13:27:14 +0000
Hi everyone!

I am attempting to run an MD in GROMACS on a co-crystallized Glycosyltransferase containing a carbohydrate ligand bound.

The ligand is a-L-Fucp-(1-2)-B-D-Galp.

My structure is 1LZJ is from:

To parametrize this ligand, I am using a combination of tleap and either acpype or to convert the amber parm/crd outputs into gromacs format, but neither are giving me working input files (fails at generating ions due to topology incompatibility/Glycam2gmx output finds no residues, where acpype does find residues).

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Ali Khodayari
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 14:24:16 +0200
Dear GLYCAM users,

We are trying to simulate polysaccharides, cellulose and hemicellulose in
particular, in GROMACS. The intention is to use GLYCAM forcefield parameters
as well.

My question is, is there any properly quick way to parametrize GLYCAM force
field to be used in GROMACS?

Moreover, is it feasible to manually write the raw force field parameters
(GLYCAM_06j.dat) in GROMACS language? Let's say, using a python script? Or
it leads to any further problems?

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Javier Lopez
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 04:38:16 -0400
Dear Mr./Mrs.
We are trying to build “heparin sulfate octasaccharide” using its GLYCAM website (GAG builder Heparin/Heparan sulfate) and use it with AMBER-16 and xleap; but by the moment, this is impossible.
Exactly, we are using the next sequence:
The problem is in the residue DGlcpNS[3S]a1 (named by GLYCAM builder as ‘6YS’), which is not detected in xleap and the following message appears (The GYS residue is unknown):

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Javier Lopez
Mon, 22 Oct 2018 04:33:22 -0400
Dear Mr./Mrs.
We are trying to build “heparin sulfate octasaccharide” using its GLYCAM website (GAG builder Heparin/Heparan sulfate) and use it with AMBER-16 and xleap; but by the moment, this is impossible.
Exactly, we are using the next sequence:
The problem is in the residue DGlcpNS[3S]a1 (named by GLYCAM builder as ‘6YS’), which is not detected in xleap and the following message appears (The YS residue is unknown):

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Senal Dinuka
Fri, 19 Oct 2018 00:43:57 -0400
Dear GLYCAM users,

I have been trying to simulate a cyanogenic glucoside (linamarin) bound protein with AMBER. Since GLYCAM doesn't offer parameters for a cyanogenic moiety I renamed the sugar portion as "0GB" to comply with GLYCAM residue naming and the rest of the ligand "UNK". But so far I was unable to generate parameters for the entire system successfully. Am I following a correct approach? I appreciate any guidance on handling this matter

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Bisignano, Paola
Wed, 17 Oct 2018 22:54:00 +0000
Dear GLYCAM users,

I would like to simulate several galactose derivatives bound to a protein. I would like to proceed with a QM parametrization by using gaussian to optimize the geometry and calculate the ESP and then use the AMBER tools to fit resp charges and generate the parameter sets for simulating with the AMBER ff.

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Andrew Guy
Mon, 24 Sep 2018 12:10:54 +1000
Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone had a prep file for the b1-6 linkage form of the
GlcNH2 residue (i.e. 6YN)? The prep files supplied through GlycamWeb only
have 0YN/n topologies.

Kind regards,

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Jerome de Ruyck
Fri, 14 Sep 2018 18:16:23 +0200

I was wondering if a stand alone version of the carbohydrate and glycoprotein builders exist ? We are involved in glycobiology and molecular modeling and we would be interested in installing these programs on our cluster.

Thanks for your answer !


de Ruyck Jerome
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Lee-Ping Wang
Mon, 23 Jul 2018 15:29:17 -0700
Hello there,

We’re carrying out some studies on chemically modified sialic acids - specifically N-acetylation at the C4, C7, C8, or C9 positions. Because there are many potential acetylation sites, we became interested in questions such as: (1) how much do the charges depend on the N-acetylation site, and (2) how much does the N-acetylation affect the charges on the sialic acid itself.

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Senal Dinuka
Thu, 19 Jul 2018 10:54:53 -0400
I am trying to simulate below mentioned ligand (linamarin) docked to b-Glucoside enzyme. It is made up of a glucose moiety in which anomeric O-H is substituted by a cyanogenic moitey. I would like to know if one would necessarily require the use GLYCAM force-field to model such system. If so how to prepare the PDB/mol2 file to comply with GLYCAM naming conventions. 

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Mohit Chhabra
Tue, 12 Jun 2018 14:14:44 +0000

I have a 5-sugar units chain in my molecule and I want to substitute sulfate at all the positions but when I try to add sulfate as a derivative on the end terminal sugar, it always gives free OH at position 1 of sugar using "carbohydrate builder” option. If I download that file and add sulfate by replacing OH, the charge of sulfate will still be +0.194 as it was of OH but the charge of sulfate should be same as of other sulfates. If there is any possible way to design a fully sulfated carbohydrate, please suggest.

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Laura Morris
Sun, 10 Jun 2018 21:30:56 -0400
I downloaded and unzipped vina-carb but I get an error when I try to run it. There's no readme (excluding the license file) so I'm not sure how I would compile it if that's what I need to do. The output is:
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Neha S. Gandhi
Tue, 22 May 2018 01:01:52 +0000
Hi there,

We are required to substitute sulphate with phosphate. There are parameters (atom type, bond length, angles and torsions) for phosphate but not the charge. I was wondering if we can add phosphate as a derivative at position 6 to the a-Mannose and simulate this using GLYCAM.

Many thanks,
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Kanin Wichapong
Tue, 24 Apr 2018 13:17:49 -0400
Dear Sir,

I tried to generate the parameters for Fondaparinux (Arixtra), in which the sequence is D-GlcNS6S-α-(1,4)-D-GlcA-β-(1,4)-D-GlcNS3,6S-α-(1,4)-L-IdoA2S-α-(1,4)-D-GlcNS6S-OMe, by using GLYCAM web server. First, I had the problems that residue UYS, QYS, and 6YS don't have parameters in the GLYCAM_06j-1.prep file. However, I found updated parameters for GLYCAM (GLYCAM_06k.prep) and all parameters for these residues can be found in leaprc.GLYCAM_06k. But then I have another problems during tleap (in AMBER), I got this warning about charges

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Neha S. Gandhi
Fri, 6 Apr 2018 00:22:11 +0000
Dear List,

I have modelled sulphated heparin tetrasaccharide using GLYCAM server. I want to attach lipophilic groups at one of the ends of the tetrasaccharide. Can I use GAFF force-field with AM1/PM3 charges for the lipophilic groups or chain-like (CH2)n? Or am I required to derive RESP charges for the fragment?

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Tarsis Gesteira
Sat, 31 Mar 2018 17:44:37 -0400

I'm having trouble reading a pdb generated by glycam. I created using heparin/HS builder

DGlcpNSa1-4DGlcpAb1-4DGlcpNSa1-4LIdopA[2S]a1-4 (GlcNS-GlcA-GlcNS-Idu2S-ROH)

When I try to read it back using leap:

source leaprc.GLYCAM_06j-1
loadamberparams frcmod.glycam06_intraring_doublebond_protonatedacids
loadamberprep GlcNS_preliminary.prep
loadamberprep uronic_acids.prep
loadoff GLYCAM_aminoct_06j_12SB.lib
loadamberprep IdoA_ALL.prep
hepc = loadpdb 1_AMBER_noh.pdb

I get the following error:

Loading PDB file: ./1_AMBER_noh.pdb
ERROR: Comparing atoms
.R<0YS 5>.A<C2 3>,
.R<0YS 5>.A<H1 2>,
.R<4ZB 4>.A<O4 19>, and
.R<0YS 5>.A<O5 16>
to atoms
.R<0YS 5>.A<C2 3>,
.R<SO3 1>.A<S1 1>,
.R<0YS 5>.A<H1 2>, and
.R<4ZB 4>.A<O4 19>
This error may be due to faulty Connection atoms.
!FATAL ERROR----------------------------------------
!FATAL: In file [chirality.c], line 142

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Fulbabu Sk
Fri, 2 Feb 2018 11:18:09 +0530
I would like to ask if anyone know why I am not getting the complete
structure (pdb format after minimization) of my glycan.
This is my condensed structure notation ...

Kind regards

Md Fulbabu Sk

Ph.D. (Computational Biophysics) Research Scholar
BioSciences and Biomedical Engineering (BSBE)
Indian Institute of Technology, Indore
Mob: +919732000302/+917417640425
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Tarsis Gesteira
Thu, 1 Feb 2018 17:43:22 -0500

I would like to ask if anyone knows or have cpptraj or ptraj scripts that would facilitate high-throughput analysis of oligosaccharides trajectories as the ones found at CAT (torsion angles, conformational maps, rotation profiles, etc).


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Laura Morris
Wed, 20 Dec 2017 09:47:15 -0500
Hi David,

Thanks for answering my question. The extra character threw me off and I
couldn't find the residue in the prep files. I know there's a Glycam
Naming page ( which I
refer to regularly. Could the fourth character information be put on
that page? I know it now but I think it'd be helpful for others. Of
course if it's already somewhere else please let me know.

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Laura Morris
Tue, 19 Dec 2017 11:48:46 -0500
Recently I've gotten a PDB file from that contains residues
4uA1 and 0uA1.

Why is there a 1 in the residue designation and are these really 4uA and
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Neha S. Gandhi
Fri, 15 Dec 2017 01:37:51 +0000
Dear List,

I was wondering if GLYCAM includes parameters for mannuronic and guluronic acids? I might have oversight if they are already available.

Many thanks,
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