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"PERSONNE, Manuel" <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 9 Dec 2022 14:04:17 +0000
text/plain (900 bytes) , text/html (3220 bytes) , Envirotyping_Engineer_FR_EN.pdf (128 kB)
Dear DSSAT community,

Here is a job announcement from Limagrain seed company. We are hiring a scientist to develop our Envirotyping activities.
This position is opened to either MSc or PhD candidates. It offers the opportunity to use ecophysiology and modelling into genotype-by-environment studies, with strong interactions with plant breeders.
This 12-months short-term contract is located in France, near Clermont-Ferrand. French or English-speakers can apply. Here is the link towards the detailed job description and application form:

Please feel free to circulate this announcement. Recently-graduated students are welcome.

Best regards,
Manuel Personne
AgroPhysiologist - Abiotic Traits & Digital Phenotyping
Limagrain Field Seeds Research
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