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Maps-L: Map Librarians, etc.


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Eric Speas <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 6 Oct 1993 11:44:12 EDT
text/plain (23 lines)
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This is my first posting to this group, so if I break any rules of
etiquette please forgive me.  I'm a library school student down here in
Texas and I need some information on map cataloging.  I'm taking a class
in advanced cataloging and we have a semester paper to prepare.  I, of
course, chose cartographic materials.  What I need to know is how other
map librarians catalog their maps.  Do most librarians do only brief
cataloging (i.e. author, area name, scale, year) or are there some how do
full cataloging (a la AACR2r or some other method)?  What justifications do
you give for a given level of cataloging?  Do you follow AACR2r format or
some other system?  Just simple, basic things like that.  If you think of
something I haven't, please mention it.
Please let me know if I can quote you or not for my paper.  Please send
all responses my email (I'd hate to tie up the net with this question ;-)).
Thank you all in advanced!!
Eric Speas
[log in to unmask]
Librarian Wannabe
"Hook 'em Horns!"